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Monogatari Series Announces 1st DJ Concert Event

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Featuring Clammbon's Mito as DJ, anime's composer Satoru Kōsaki

The Monogatari Series anime franchise announced its first ever DJ event on November 22. Studio Mixa in Tokyo's Higashi-Ikebukuro neighborhood will host "Monogatari Twilight" on December 1. The main DJ is Clammbon band member Mito (The Anthem of the Heart, songs in Hanamonogatari, Owarimonogatari , Tsukimonogatari), and guests include the anime's music composer and arranger Satoru Kōsaki amd Yuka Iguchi (voice of Tsukihi Araragi). The ticket reservation drawing for the event ended on Tuesday, and the staff will announce ticket winners on Thursday.

Image via x.com

[Event Confirmed]
Monogatari Series' first DJ event

Date & time: 12/1 (Sun) 17:00
Venue: Studio Mixa
Main DJ Mito (Clammbon)
Talk guest Satoru Kōsaki (MONACA)
Special guest Yuka Iguchi (voice of Tsukihi Araragi)

▽Click here for more details

[Ticket Information (Drawing)]

◆Drawing entry period: November 22 (Friday) 20:00 to November 26 (Tuesday) 23:59
◆Announcement date: November 28 (Thursday) 12:00
■For inquiries

▽Event details here

According to its website, the event will let fans “experience the music that has colored the Monogatari Series over the years.” Fans who purchase a ticket to Monogatari Twilight will also receive an original limited-edition t-shirt and one drink ticket.

Image via www.monogatari-series.com

The Monogatari anime series is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. The festivities include a collaboration with the Steins;Gate franchise in September. The "Monogatari Twilight" event organizers did not confirm if it is part of the celebrations.

Sources: Nishio Ishin Anime Project's X/Twitter account (link 2), Monogatari Series' website (link 2) via Otakomu

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