Conan O'Brien Takes on Detective Conan, Bidets, Harajuku Style
posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
Late night talk show host Conan O'Brien went to Japan this summer to put an end to a "feud" with the city of Hokuei in Tottori Prefecture to claim the royalties O'Brien claims he's owed. Hokuei is known colloquially as "Conan Town" because it is the birthplace of Detective Conan creator Gōshō Aoyama and features Conan Street, Conan Bridge, the Gōshō Aoyama Manga Factory museum, and 12 bronze statues of characters from the series.
O'Brien joked that he was owed 3 trillion yen (US$27 billion) in royalties over the use of "Conan" and actually went to Japan to see the joke through. While there, he explored more than just Hokuei as seen in this week's episode of Conan Without Borders. O'Brien was adopted by a Japanese family, learned proper etiquette, explored the streets of Tokyo, checked in on a couple who invited him to their wedding, saw the very best in Japan's toilet technology, and more.
Conan sure did gaijin smash his way through Japan, but his hosts seemed to be pretty understanding of his loud personality.