Final Ojamajo Doremi Light Novel Volume Shows Adult Doremi
posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
In 1999, Toei Animation created an original magical girl anime series titled Ojamajo Doremi following three elementary aged girls who become witches. Junichi Satō, of Sailor Moon fame, directed the original show which ran for 51 episodes. It then spawned the sequel anime series Ojamajo Doremi Sharp, Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi, and Ojamajo Doremi DOKKAAN! as well as an original video anime and two films.
After the animated portion wrapped up, writer Midori Kiriyama penned nine sequel light novels based on the characters. The final light novel Ojamajo Doremi 19 is slated for December, bundles an original drama CD and finally reveals what lead character Doremi Harukaze looks like all grown up.
Ojamajo Doremi has a checkered history in the U.S. 4Kids Entertainment produced an English language version of the first season that aired on 4Kids TV but it was heavily edited, while episode 30 was skipped completely.
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