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Lounge Around in Faux Kuroko's Basketball Cosplay

posted on by Bamboo Dong

Some might argue that basketball uniforms are already pretty comfortable, but Premium Bandai's latest Kuroko's Basketball line of loungewear are even better suited for relaxing. Based on the various team uniforms from the series, each set includes a top and bottom made of 100% cotton, and sports the player number corresponding to Tetsuya Kuroko, Ryōta Kise, Daiki Aomine, Shintarō Midorima, Atsushi Murasakibara, or Seijūrō Akashi.

Each set will retail for ¥8,424, which sounds a little pricey, but it might be a small price to pay for the luxury of loafing around your apartment dressed like your favorite character.

Pre-orders are open now, but the items won't ship until September.

[Via Nijimen]

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