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Over 25,000 Fans Choose Their Favorite Kuroko's Basketball Character

posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
Over 25,000 fans participated in Weekly Shonen Jump's Kuroko's Basketball character poll this year. The votes are in and Generation Miracle's team captain Seijūrō Akashi is the fan's #1 choice.

  1. Seijūrō Akashi - 6,276 votes
  2. Tetsuya Kuroko - 3,505 votes
  3. Kazunari Takao - 2,539 votes
  4. Ryōta Kise - 2,392 votes
  5. Taiga Kagami - 2,288 votes
  6. Shintarō Midorima - 1,983 votes
  7. Daiki Aomine - 1,670 votes
  8. Kiyoshi Miyaji - 1,472 votes
  9. Yukio Kasamatsu - 1,451 votes
  10. Makoto Hanamiya - 1,223

This is Akashi's first year as the #1 voted fan-favorite. Kuroko has placed three times, along with Shintarō Midorima. The magazine also noted that series' creator Tadatoshi Fujimaki ranked #19 with 622 votes.

Previous years' results

The second season of Kuroko's Basketball anime is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

[Via Yara-On!]

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