Be Prepared For Emergencies With Hello Kitty Fire Extinguisher and Canned Goods
posted on by Ederlyn Peralta
Hello Kitty has long been associated with household products, clothing, and toys, but now she's also promoting health and safety from fires and natural disasters with emergency safety products.
Last month, Kousaka Disaster Prevention Company started selling Hello Kitty fire extinguishers in Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture. The easy-operating Hello Kitty fire extinguisher, which retails for ¥8500 ($83.93) and can last up to five years, is best suitable against cooking oil fires.
The fire extinguisher comes in three colors: red, white, and black, and consists of four different designs involving the Hello Kitty character, polka dots, and ribbons.

Although the Hello Kitty fire extinguisher is designed to appeal to women, the company hopes that many people will be willing to consider it because fire extinguishers are necessities in homes. The president of Kousaka Disaster Prevention said, "Because of the pretty design, a Hello Kitty fire extinguisher looks nice in a house's interior. The fire extinguisher is also an excellent gift for new homeowners."
Kousaka Disaster Prevention Company is also selling Hello Kitty emergency storage cans, which can preserve non-perishable food for up to three years. Each can weighs 100g and cost 400 yen ($3.95).

Both the fire extinguisher and emergency storage cans are another tribute to Hello Kitty's 40th anniversary. For those interested in other Hello Kitty's 40th anniversary products, check out Hello Kitty's graphic novel and the Hello Kitty-inspired Licca-chan doll.