Lifesize Kuroko's Basketball and Haikyu!! Ads Take Over Shinjuku Station
posted on by Bamboo Dong
Another giant anime ad campaign has taken over a Tokyo subway station, this time with ads for the January 27 Blu-ray and DVD release of the second season of Kuroko's Basketball, and April television premiere of Haikyu!!, an anime series based on the volleyball manga of the same name.

The Kuroko's Basketball ad is in the walkway between the east and west entrances of the Shinjuku Station Metro Promenade, and includes life-sized wraparounds featuring the many characters in the series. For those eager to check them out, the official Kuroko's Basketball website even has a diagram showing where the ads are placed.
Meanwhile, the Haikyu!! ads line one of the walkways in Shinjuku Station.
A few fans on Twitter have also snapped pictures of the ads:
— ユウキさん (@ayaka7531) January 26, 2014
— ドリP (総本家) (@doriP8) January 26, 2014
— はな@祝オヤユル祭 (@7xl_hana) January 27, 2014
The station is also displaying ads for The IDOLM@STER Movie.
[Via Yaraon; images from @kurobasanime and @haikyu_a]
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