New Smartphone Game Lets You Foster Your Own Stable of Idols
posted on by Eric Stimson
After 16 months and 150 million yen (or $1.5 million) in the making, Japanese mobile game company Donuts is set to release its rhythm and simulation game, Tokyo 7th Sisters, for iOS platforms early next January.

The player will take on the role of the new manager in a studio called "777" (pronounced "Three Seven") and scout for promising young idols. It mixes an emphasis on story and character development with a rhythm game aspect, since the idols will compete to win admiration from fans and develop their ability by singing original songs written by young artists "of the Vocaloid generation."

Donuts promises to include over 50 different characters in the final product, although only 13 have so far been unveiled. Over 200 different cards featuring these girls will be available eventually, and those who pre-order the game will receive one of Nicole Nanasaki.

The 13 "sisters" released so far
The game boasts of formidable musical and acting talent. The theme song is by Star☆Glitter, helmed by the famed DJ and music producer kz. The acting roster includes Inori Minase, known for her roles as Suzu in Love Lab and as Rina in the live-action drama Amachan; Ai Kakuma, who plays Kenjiro's female persona on Genshiken Second Season and Nene in the upcoming film Majocco Shimai no Yoyo to Nene; and Sakura Nakamura, who stars as Akebi Sakura in the hit anime Girls und Panzer.

The game's developer, Donuts, is best known for buying "Social Lunch," a social networking service for arranging business lunches, from Synclunch. Tokyo 7th Sisters will eventually be released for Android platforms as well. It will be free, but with fees for downloading additional items.

[Via Kai-You]