Anime Events in Gateshead Start Friday
posted on by Andrew Osmond
There will be a series of Japan/anime related events in Gateshead (near Newcastle) on Friday November 1 and Saturday November 2. On Friday evening, there will be a music evening from 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. at Caedmon Hall, including guest appearances from British idol Beckii Cruel and Japanese singer Naomi Suzuki. Tickets (£3) are available here.
The event is described as 'a club night evening of J-Pop, K-Pop, Idol Music, Vocaloids, Anime and Game tunes.' According to the J-Pop Go events page, it is open to over-14s, although the event's facebook page says it is open to over-12s.
On Saturday September 2, there will be an anime event in Gateshead Leisure Centre and Gateshead Central Library (next door to each other), called 'Anime Attacks!' Running from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., it will include anime screenings, panels, cosplay and anime life drawings. "Anime Attacks" has a facebook page here and tickets (£7.50) can be bought here.
A fan-produced Hatsune Miku music concert will take place at Caedmon Hall on the Saturday evening. Tickets are available here. The concert will be at 8 p.m.; it is open to over-12s and the tickets cost £4.50. The web page advertises the event: "Join Len, Rin, Luka and Miku as they put on a live performance complete with audience interaction and special effects!"