Anime-Style Doctor Who Parody Released by The Nerdist Channel
posted on by Andrew Osmond
The above film, parodying the British fantasy series Doctor Who in the style of a dubbed action anime, was posted by a new YouTube channel called "The Nerdist Channel."
This is not the first anime-style version of Doctor Who. Previously, the British animator Paul Johnson created a twelve-and-a-half minute fan film in the style of 1980s SF and action anime. The film was a montage of scenes involving the 'Third Doctor' - the version played by the late Jon Pertwee - materialising in Tokyo to battle Daleks, Cybermen and other enemies. (Johnson subsequently took down his film when he began work on a BBC-licensed Doctor Who animation project - a restored version of the partly-lost 1964 serial The Reign of Terror - as he explains here and here.)
On Sunday August 4, the latest actor to play the Doctor was announced by the BBC - Peter Capaldi, most famous for his role as the foul-mouthed Malcolm Tucker in the TV series The Thick of It The announcement has already led to online spoofs - this one is NSFW.