Nakayoshi Magazine's 'Manga Creator' Set Returns
posted on by Karen Ressler
Previous kit sold out quickly due to interest from popular manga creators
With the success of the "Super Strongest Manga Creator Set," an art kit that Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine bundled with its March issue, the magazine will again be including a kit with its September issue, which will ship on August 3. The new kit, called the "Shinka-kata Manga-ka Kyūkyoku Set" (Evolved Shape Manga Creator Ultimate Set), will contain various materials for coloring, including:
- Three colored calligraphy pens
- Three sheets of color screentone
- One sheet of monochrome screentone
- A pencil for making rough color sketches
- One tracing sheet
- Three sheets of tracing paper
- Japanese writing paper
- An instruction book
- Five pages of traceable line art
Nakayoshi's March issue sold out quickly, since the kit garnered attention from the media and a number of popular manga artists, including Yuki Suetsugu, Lily Hoshino, Tomoko Yamashita, and Keiko Nishi.
Source: Comic Natalie