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Hatsune Miku -Project Diva- F's Retail Promo Streamed

posted on by Egan Loo
PS3 version adds 6 new songs, 13 new costumes, sychronization with Vita version

Sega began streaming the retail promotional video for the PlayStation 3 version of its Hatsune Miku -Project Diva- F game on Monday.

The updated version of the PlayStation Vita game will add six songs for a total of 38, including the video's "Tell Your World" by livetune, "Sweet Devil" by Hachiōji-P, and "Odds & Ends" by Ryo (supercell).

The game will also add 13 new costumes, the use of the PlayStation 3 controller's analog sticks to "play" the star targets, and the ability to synchronize your progress and edit data with the PlayStation Vita version (even on the road).

The game will arrive in Japan in retail stores and via download on March 7, 2013. Participating retailers throughout Japan will offer an exclusive rubber strap (about 7 centimeters/3 inches tall) to people who pre-order the rhythm game. Hori will also sell a mini controller for the game on March 7.

Update: Hachiōji-P's name corrected. Thanks, championferret.

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