Darkstalkers Resurrection HD Port's 1st Trailer Posted (Updated)
posted on by Egan Loo
Capcom began streaming the trailer that revealed its Darkstalkers Resurrection HD port on Thursday:
Capcom announced the PlayStation Network and XBox Live release at its New York Comic Con panel earlier in the day. It will feature Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter) and Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior) with 18 characters, several HD filters, GGPO netcode "better than Marvel vs. CAPCOM Origins," arcade cabinet modes, spectator chat and eight-person lobbies, challenger mode, YouTube replay sharing, and unlockable features. The two-game set will arrive in early 2013 for 1,200 MSP on XBox Live and US$14.99 on the PlayStation Network.
Update: Capcom notified ANN that the XBox Live price will be 1,200 MSP, not 1,600 MSP.
this article has been modified since it was originally posted; see change history