Video Chat With JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Manga Effects in Google+
posted on by Sarah Nelkin

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hirohiko Araki's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga, Google+ has released a free add-on application for the Google+ Hangouts video chat called "JOJO EFFECTS." Hangouts is a Google+ service where up to 10 people can contact each other via video chat at the same time.

The JOJO EFFECTS application will recognize a user's face, and then proceed to “dress up” the user in the hairstyle and Stand of the character they have chosen. In honor of the 25th anniversary, there are 25 kinds of items that users can choose.

The JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga launced in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 1987. It is currently serializing in the sister magazine Ultra Jump, and a television anime will premiere on October 6. The last half of the manga's Part 3 already inspired an original anime video project in 1993, followed by an adaptation of the first half in 2000. In addition, the manga's Part 1 inspired the film JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood.
Source: Comic Natalie