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Saki Fujita & 150 People Dance to Hatsune Miku in Music Video

posted on by Egan Loo
Also: Miku Flick/02 iOS rhythm game launches on Friday with promo videos

To promote this month's Hatsune Miku -Project Diva- F rhythm game, Sega produced a music video and commercial in which voice actress Saki Fujita and 150 people danced to virtual Vocaloid idol Hatsune Miku's "Weekender Girl" song.

Not coincidentally, Fujita provided the original voice samples that Crypton Future Media used to create Hatsune Miku. With the permission of the creators of "Weekender Girl," kz and Hachiōji-P, Sega took the opportunity to make a music video alongside its commercial campaign. Sega also presented the campaign's making-of video and an interview with Fujita:

Sega will release the game on the PlayStation Vita handheld console on August 30. The physical game copy will retail for 7,329 yen (about US$93) and the downloadable version will retail for 6,600 yen (about US$84).

Sega also streamed two promotional videos to celebrate the Friday launch of Miku Flick/02, the sequel to its rhythm game based on the songs of Hatsune Miku and other Vocaloid idols:

In both Miku Flick games, not only does the player have to tap in sync with the music, but also "flick" across Japanese characters to spell out the lyrics. Sega released Miku Flick/02 for the iPhone and other iOS devices in Apple's App Store in Japan, the United States, and other countries. The app costs 900 yen or US$10.99.

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