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Kamiyama & Kanno's 3rd Rage of Bahamut Game Ad Posted

posted on by Egan Loo
Ghost in the Shell: SAC staff make ad starring "real Barbie doll" model Dakota Rose

DeNA began streaming the third in a set of commercials for Cygames' social card game Rage of Bahamut (Shingeki no Bahamut) with director Kenji Kamiyama (Eden of the East, 009 Re:Cyborg) and his Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex composer Yōko Kanno (Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Macross Plus/Frontier) on Thursday. The narrator proudly notes that the game is the highest-grossing smartphone card game in the United States.

Dakota Rose, the 16-year-old American "real Barbie doll" model stars as the Dark Angel Olivier in the "Rage of the Signs" ad.

Kamiyama previously created a "Xi AVANT" anime short with NTT Docomo and started an advertising animation firm called Steve N' Steven. He also created a series of Pepsi Nex ads that tie into 009 Re:Cyborg, his upcoming computer-animated Cyborg 009 film.

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