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Official Upotte Swiss Army Knives Offered by Victorinox

posted on by Egan Loo
Silhouettes of anime's 4 assault rifle/girls on handle with logo etched in blade

The official website for the Upotte!! anime announced on Thursday that Japan's Brain Police Online Shop is offering official Upotte!! Swiss Army Knives from Switzerland's Victorinox. The 58-millimeter-long (about 2.3-inch-long) handle of each Swiss-made Classic SD knife is photo-printed with a silhouette of one of four different assault rifles/girls from the anime:

Funko (FN FNC) 

Ichiroku (M16A4)

Shigu (SG550)

Eru (L85A1)

In addition, each knife has a 40-millimeter (1.6-inch) blade with the Upotte!! logo etched into it, along with a flathead screwdriver/nail file, scissors, key ring, metal pin, and toothpick.

[Via Moe Ota-News Sokuhō]

Images © Kitsune Tennōji, Kadokawa Shoten/Upotte!! Production Committee

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