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Wake Up to Yoko Kanno & Cornelius Music in Uniqlo App

posted on by Jennifer Sherman
Artists' background music changes with weather in free alarm app

Japanese apparel designer and retailer UNIQLO released the UNIQLO Wake Up smartphone app with background music composed by musicians Yōko Kanno and Cornelius (Keigo Oyamada) on Tuesday. The free app is available for both iOS and Android devices. UNIQLO began streaming an 89-second promotional video for the app this week.

The app features an alarm with music that changes depending on the weather. UNIQLO Wake Up also displays the current weather conditions and temperature, and the background changes according to the day of the week. The app is available in English, Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Thai, but the vocals are only available in English and Mandarin Chinese.

Kanno is known for composing music for anime such as Macross Plus, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. She recently composed a song to mark the one-year anniversary of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai) disaster.

Cornelius has contributed music for UNIQLO television commercials in the past and also created music for Appleseed: Ex Machina anime film in 2007.

[Via A Gabriela Robin Site]

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