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Shining Blade RPG's 2 TV Ads Streamed

posted on by Kimberly Grace
Due for PSP on March 15 from Sega

Sega began streaming two television commercials on Thursday for the upcoming release of the Shining Blade role-playing game. The ads are short — only 15 and 30 seconds in length — and list a release date of March 15. Price points will be 6,279 yen (about US$78.30) for the special edition, and 5,600 (US$69.83) for the regular edition.

Gamer.ne.jp began streaming another promotional video for the RPG last month. Sega will release the latest entry in its Shining fantasy role-playing game franchise for the PSP handheld system on March 15. The illustrator Tony is once again designing the characters, just as he did for 2010's Shining Hearts game and several previous games.

The video introduces the main cast and characters of the game: Souichiro Hoshi as the male lead Reiji, Ryōko Shiraishi as the spirit of Reiji's sword Yukihime, Nana Mizuki as the female lead Sakuya, Tetsu Inada as Fenrir, Akira Ishida as Isari, Unshou Ishizuka as the dragon guardian knight Gōryūki, and Isao Teramoto as Gademu.

In addition, lorelei or "songstresses" can sing magical folk songs in battle to aid their companions and fight enemies. The singers include Saori Hayami as the troubadour Erumina, Marina Inoue as the forest diva Arutina, Yukari Tamura as the siren Misty with dragon blood lineage, and Houko Kuwashima as the battlefield lorelei Rose-rinde.

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