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Gainax to Sell Evangelion Cat-Eared Parka

posted on by Jennifer Sherman
Reversible Unit 01, Unit 02, Unit 00 designs to be offered in ladies', kids' sizes

The anime studio Gainax announced on Wednesday that it will sell three cat-eared parkas inspired by the Evangelion franchise. The producers of the new Evangelion remake film series and the online fashion retailer Mobacolle are collaborating to offer the reversible parkas for shipment in early March.

These one-size ladies' and kids' parkas will be available in purple Unit 01, red Unit 02, and yellow Unit 00 designs. The reverse side of each parka will feature a leopard pattern inspired by Shamshel, the anime's fourth Angel character. Mobacolle is producing the parkas with fabric made of 65 percent polyester and 35 percent cotton.

The Gainax Official Shop Side-Eva website and Mobacolle are now accepting parka pre-orders for 7,245 yen (about US$93). The JSG shop in Shibuya, Tokyo's Shibuya 109 department store will also begin selling the parkas in early March.

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