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1st Gundam Designer Okawara Shows His Take on Turn A Gundam

posted on by Egan Loo
Kunio Ōkawara reinterpreted mobile suit designed by Syd Mead (Blade Runner, Aliens)

Kunio Ōkawara, the mechanical designer of many Gundam projects including the very first television anime series, posted his interpretation of the title mobile suit from the Turn A Gundam anime this weekend. Turn A Gundam was one of the projects in 1999 that celebrated the 20th anniversary of the first Gundam television series.

Syd Mead, the famed conceptual artist who worked on Blade Runner, Aliens, and Space Battleship Yamato 2520, drew inspiration from Okawara's original Gundam for his Turn A Gundam design. Okawara, in turn, reinterpreted Turn A Gundam himself. Okawara notes that Mead, a former Ford car designer who has worked on both real-life engineering projects and Hollywood films, visited his home in Japan. Mead's Turn A Gundam design is below:

Images © Sotsu, Sunrise

[Via Yaraon!]

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