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Free Itsu-Ten Books Samples Stuck to Tokyo Station Wall

posted on by Gia Manry
Takaya Kagami's "reverse school fantasy" light novel being adapted into anime

The Japan Trends blog posted photos from a promotional campaign at the Shinjuku station in Tokyo on Tuesday. For the campaign, publisher Fujimi Shobo offered a free book containing samples of Takaya Kagami's light novel series Itsuka Tenma no Kuro-Usagi (Itsu-Ten) and its manga adaptation by Shiori Asahina. Staff stuck the samples to a decorated wall, and interested passengers could simply pick one off of the wall. According to the report, staffers were to replenish the samples four times per day.

Itsuka Tenma no Kuro-Usagi "reverse school fantasy" follows an ordinary high school boy named Taito Kurogane who is given a "poison" by a female vampire named Saitohimea, thus changing his life. The light novel series launched in 2008, and the seventh volume shipped last month. An anime adaptation is in the works. An anime DVD will also be packaged with an upcoming limited edition novel volume.

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