Daily Cosplay
The World God Only Knows's Keima (Updated)
posted on by Gia Manry

An unidentified cosplayer dresses as Keima Katsuragi, the protagonist of Tamiki Wakaki's 2008 manga (and the subsequent 2010 television anime) The World God Only Knows. In the series, Katsuragi is an obsessed player of dating simulation videogames with no experience with real-life women. He accepts an offer via e-mail that contracts him to "capture" girls, thinking it will open up a new game. Instead, a demon who has misinterpreted his skill appears and demands that he help her capture the hearts of real live girls.
Photographer Cadha13 (David Aragon) took the photo at Anime Los Angeles 2011, which took place from January 7 to 9 in Los Angeles.
Image © David Aragon
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Update: Image link fixed. Thanks, lkmjr.
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