Funimation Announces Rideback's English Dub Cast
posted on by Egan Loo

Rin Ogata: Tia Ballard
Haruki Hishida: Micah Solusod
Megumi Yoda: Alexis Tipton
Tenshiro Okakura: Bryan Massey
Shouko Uemura: Kristi Bingham
Tamayo Kataoka: Stephanie Young
Atsushi Takahashi (Detroit Metal City anime) and MADHOUSE adapted the 12-episode Rideback television anime series from Tetsuro Kasahara's manga last year. Rideback tells the story of a student named Rin Ogata and her "iron horse" robot motorcycle in 2020. With her transforming motorcycle and her agility from years of ballet training, Rin joins the anti-government student protests against the GGP regime that rules the world. Funimation plans to release the anime next year.
Image © Tetsuro Kasahara, Shogakukan/Rideback Production Committee
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