The Fall 2009 Anime Preview Guide
by Anime News Network's Editorial Team,
Welcome to Anime News Network's Fall 2009 Preview Guide! By now, you know the rules; our critics write up their impressions instantly and they get posted as they go along, liveblog-style. Each critic will cover as many shows as they can handle, resulting in alternate takes on most every show (sometimes on more than one episode!).
This is an ongoing guide; throughout the next two weeks (give or take a few days), we'll be updating as often as possible with new perspectives on new episodes. New reviews will be posted as they're written.
Please remember that this is a preview guide. It is designed to give you a taste of the first episode (or the first few episodes) of a show with a preliminary opinion. These are not intended to be blanket judgments of these series as a whole. All reviews use the same ratings scale: 1-5, with 1 being the lowest.
Click on the critic's name to check out their episode reviews! The newest reviews will always appear at the TOP of each critic's page, so if you're wondering what's new, just click the critic and their latest work will pop right up. Scroll down to see earlier reviews. The newest title in each critic's page will also be bolded for your convenience.

Carl Kimlinger: Fairy Tail, Yumeiro Patissiere, Tegami Bachi ep 2, Book of Bantorra ep 2, 11eyes, Darker than Black 2, Shin Kohime Muso, Kimi ni Todoke, Sasameki Koto, Tentai Senshi Sunred Season 2, Kobato, Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 2, Miracle Train, Inuyasha: The Final Act, Seitokai no Ichizon, Nyan Kou, The Sacred Blacksmith, Tegami Bachi, White Album 2, The Book of Bantorra, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Asura Cryin 2, Kampfer, Queen's Blade: Gyokuza no Tsugumono

Theron "Key" Martin: Fairy Tail, Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 2 episode 2, Yumeiro Patissiere, Book of Bantorra episode 2, 11 Eyes, Darker than Black 2, Tentai Senshi Sunred 2, Sasameki Koto, Shin Koihime Muso, Kimi ni Todoke, Kobato, Inuyasha: The Final Act, Miracle Train, Seitokai no Ichizon, Tegami Bachi, White Album 2, The Sacred Blacksmith, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Book of Bantorra, Kampfer, Asura Cryin' 2, Queen's Blade: Gyokuza no Tsugumono

Summer Mullins: Fairy Tail, Sasameki Koto, Yumerio Patissiere, Book of Bantorra ep 2, Tegami Bachi ep 2, 11eyes, Kimi ni Todoke, Tentai Senshi Sunred season 2, Kobato, Natsu no Arashi - Akinai-chuu, Nyan Koi, Sacred Blacksmith, Tegami Bachi, Book of Bantorra, Kampfer, Asura Cryin' 2

Carlo Santos: Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 2 episode 2, Fairy Tail, Yumeiro Patissiere, Tegami Bachi episode 2, Darker than Black 2, Kimi ni Todoke, Kobato, Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 2, Sora no Otoshimono, Miracle Train, Seitokai no Ichizon, The Sacred Blacksmith, Tegami Bachi, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Book of Bantorra, Kampfer, Queen's Blade: Gyokuza no Tsugumono

Bamboo Dong: Miracle Train, Seitokai no Ichizon, Shugo Chara Party!, Book of Bantorra

Zac Bertschy: Fairy Tail, Sasameki Koto, Seitokai no Ichizon, Inuyasha: The Final Act
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