Contacting Viz
Does the prospect of seing Maison Ikkoku on DVD interest you? If it does, there are a number of way that you can let Viz know.
1) Contact Viz by Mail at
Head of Marketing Dept.
c/o Viz Communications, Inc.
P.O. BOX 77010
San Francisco, CA 94107
2) E-Mail Viz at animerica (at
3) Sign the Maison Ikkoku on DVD petition:

4) Stop and talk to a Viz rep at your local Anime convention. Viz is at all the major North American Anime conventions and they are amongst the easiest industry reps to approach and talk to.
1) Contact Viz by Mail at
Head of Marketing Dept.
c/o Viz Communications, Inc.
P.O. BOX 77010
San Francisco, CA 94107
2) E-Mail Viz at animerica (at
3) Sign the Maison Ikkoku on DVD petition:

4) Stop and talk to a Viz rep at your local Anime convention. Viz is at all the major North American Anime conventions and they are amongst the easiest industry reps to approach and talk to.
this article has been modified since it was originally posted; see change history
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