Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase (GN 8 of 16)

Volume: GN 8 / 16
Pages: 192
Distributor: Tokyopop
Release date: 2007-09-11
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 1595329552
ISBN-13: 9781595329554
The attack brought on by Valgus and his master Art has resulted in poor Hikaru's kidnapping! The stakes are raised and that means Kouhei must stand up to the challenge. Will unlocking the hidden power within him be enough? And is it worth the cost of fearing the ones he loves?
Story and art by Arima Keitaro.
(added on 2007-06-18, modified on 2007-06-18)
- Encyclopedia information about Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase (manga)