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Gunbuster (Sub.DVD)

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Title: Gunbuster
Volume: Sub.DVD
Running time: 190
Distributor: Bandai Visual USA

Release date: 2007-02-20
Suggested retail price: $64.99
Age rating: 13+

UPC: 858604001042 858604001042

2015: Earth's first faster-than-light ship, the Luxion, is lost, attacked by unidentified space monsters in the Perseus Arm. Six years later, Noriko Takaya, daughter of the Luxion's commander, enters the Okinawa Girl's Space Pilot High School, vowing to be a pilot and follow her father's trail to the stars. But is she prepared for the intense training to become a member of the elite Top Squadron? Noriko's fight has just begun - and the fate of all humanity depends on her meeting the challenge!

Spoken Languages: Japanese, English subtitles.

(added on 2006-10-26, modified on 2006-10-26)

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