Black Cat - The Catastrophe (DVD 2 of 6)
Title: Black Cat - The Catastrophe
Volume: DVD 2 / 6
Running time: 100
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment
Release date: 2007-01-30
Suggested retail price: $29.98
Age rating: 13+
SKU: FN-05892
UPC: 704400058929
As all attempt to hide and heal, Train's conscience grows deep... Deep enough to make the decision to leave Chronos for good. Unfortunately for him, the life he has left proves unwilling to let him go. Creed is sent out to retrieve their best assassin, but when he fails to bring Train back into the fold Sephiria sends her officers to make sure things go right.
Following his first failed attempt to recruit Train, Creed resorts to more desperate measures, eventually seeking out that which Train cares for most... Saya. What is the cost of redemption for the damned?
Contains episodes 5-8:
The Departing Cat
The Cat Under Fire
The Wounded Cat
The Sweeping Cat
DVD Features: Textless Songs.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
(added on 2006-10-01, modified on 2006-10-01)
- Encyclopedia information about Black Cat (TV)