Saiyuki Gunlock (DVD 5 of 7)
Title: Saiyuki Gunlock
Volume: DVD 5 / 7
Running time: 100
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.
Release date: 2006-12-26
Suggested retail price: $29.98
Age rating: 16+
SKU: 12588
UPC: 013023258891
It seems impossible for Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai to get rid of Hazel's attentions, and the group gets more irritated by the second. Just then, Lirin arrives on the scene, complicating matters - if Hazel detests all demons, what will he do to Lirin?
Surprisingly enough, Hazel doesn't seem to mind her, but later on the group finds her tied up in a tree. Hazel explains to Sanzo and the others that Lirin suddenly ran wild and killed villagers as well as demons. Hazel then tries to convince Sanzo that all demons exist to be his enemies, and that Sanzo should join Hazel's quest to rid the world of demons...
Contains 4 episodes.
DVD Features: Textless Ending version 2, Original Ending version 2, Music Clip: Hakkai - "Snow Crystal," Previews.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
(added on 2006-10-01)
- Encyclopedia information about Saiyuki Gunlock (TV)