Desert Punk - Vixen of the Desert (DVD 3 of 6)

Volume: DVD 3 / 6
Running time: 88
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment
Release date: 2006-05-23
Suggested retail price: $29.98
Age rating: 15+
SKU: FN-06906
UPC: 704400069062
The Great Kanto Desert is a place of extremes, and those who manage to thrive and survive at times seem harsher than the climate. Yet even these remnants of humanity have a softer side.
When Junko shows up with a shady job and a shadier benefactor, Desert Punk wants nothing to do with either. Finally convinced by the well-endowed reward, they set off in search of treasure. Sure that Junko is up to no good, Kosuna keeps her eye on the desert vixen. But with a secretive and possibly deranged employer and her mentor distracted, Kosuna better use both eyes!
A bizarre turn of events leaves Junko their captive, and Desert Punk decides to show mercy. Taking a few days to "deal with" the traitor, our amorous hero is convinced that his day has finally come. But be careful Desert Punk, for what goes around, comes around...
(added on 2006-02-08, modified on 2006-02-08)
- Reviewed in Shelf Life (July 3, 2006)
- Encyclopedia information about Desert Punk (TV)