Tokyo Boys & Girls (GN 4)
Title: Tokyo Boys & Girls
Volume: GN 4
Pages: 192
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2006-04-04
Suggested retail price: $8.99
Age rating: 15+
ISBN-10: 1421504006
ISBN-13: 9781421504001
Summer is finally here and a hotheaded Kazukita tries to force himself on a confused and frightened Mimori! She barely escapes that harrowing situation only to go home and find another. She has to deal with her parents impending separation. Finding herself unable to cope with her mother's problems she escapes with Nana and Ran to Kazukita's apartment only to have Atsushi thrown in the mix! Can she figure out whom she truly loves and deal with her family crisis at the same time?
Story and Art by Miki Aihara.
(added on 2006-01-20, modified on 2006-01-20)
- Encyclopedia information about Tokyo Boys & Girls (manga)