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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - Gate of Betrayal [Edited] (Dub.VHS 4)

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Title: Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - Gate of Betrayal [Edited]
Volume: Dub.VHS 4
Running time: 60
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment

Release date: 2002-06-12
Suggested retail price: $14.95

SKU: FN-06103
UPC: 704400061035 704400061035

Yusuke vs. Rando: 99 Attacks
Kuwabara's body lays broken. Shorin is nowhere to be found. And with Yusuke's energy dwindling every minute, the evil Rando reveals his true and monstrous form. Now, can the injured Yusuke battle the human-hunting demon and close the case? How can he, when Rando has ninety-nine deadly techniques in his arsenal?

The Beasts of Maze Castle
Yusuke returns from training with the great psychic Genkai, and not a moment too soon! Dreadful Makai Insects are invading his own city, part of a sinister scheme to flood the earth with demons! With Kuwabara at his side, Yusuke dives into a forbidden demon city. His target: four deadly creatures known as the Saint Beasts!

Genbu, the Stone Beast
Kurama and Hiei, two demons Yusuke beat in his first case, join Yusuke and Kuwabara to battle the Saint Beasts. This awkward alliance must learn to trust each other quickly, as they struggle through the Gate of Betrayal. And waiting just beyond this trap is the first Beast a giant made of solid stone!

(added on 2002-03-15, modified on 2002-03-15)

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