TenRyu: The Dragon Cycle (GN 5 of 6)
Title: TenRyu: The Dragon Cycle
Volume: GN 5 / 6
Pages: 192
Distributor: CMX Manga
Release date: 2006-04-26
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1401206735
ISBN-13: 9781401206734
The epic journey of Hiryu and Ryukei builds towards its conclusion!
After two years of solo training, Hiryu, bandit-turned-Dragon-King, is ready to face his final battle. But his trek home is disrupted when Hawk Village falls under attack from the evil Torao's men, and Hiryu must come to the rescue.
Story and art by Sanami Matoh.
(added on 2006-01-06, modified on 2006-01-06)
- Encyclopedia information about TenRyu: The Dragon Cycle (manga)