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Embracing Love (GN 2)

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Title: Embracing Love
Volume: GN 2
Pages: 224
Distributor: Be Beautiful Manga

Release date: 2006-01-18
Suggested retail price: $15.99
Age rating: 18+

SKU: CMX-69602G
UPC: 851988001035 851988001035
ISBN-10: 1933440031 1933440031
ISBN-13: 9781933440033 9781933440033

Who said love was easy? It's been a month since Katou ingratiated his way into Iwaki's tiny one bedroom apartment, but the impossibly beautiful blonde refuses to make love to his dark and handsome host. Poor Iwaki's lust has reached the boiling point, and if he doesn't achieve full release - and soon - there's no telling what may happen!

Story and art by Youka Nitta.

(added on 2005-11-14, modified on 2013-10-05)

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