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Log Horizon - Season 1 (Blu-ray)

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Title: Log Horizon - Season 1
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 625
Distributor: Crunchyroll

Release date: 2025-06-03
Suggested retail price: $69.98
Age rating: TV-14

SKU: FG-11262
UPC: 704400112621 704400112621

Upon the release of the Elder Tales expansion, 30,000 players are transported into the game’s universe. To survive, Shiroe ditches his solo playstyle to form the guild Log Horizon. But in this world, there are real consequences worse than death.

Includes: Episodes 1-25

Special Features: Textless Opening and Ending Songs

(added on 2025-03-15, modified on 2025-03-15)

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