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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (Blu-ray)

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Title: Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 100
Distributor: Discotek Media

Release date: 2025-05-27
Suggested retail price: $24.95
Age rating: 10+

SKU: ES-646
UPC: 875707005999 875707005999

Shortly after taking the young Luke under his wing, the world-famous Professor Layton finds himself humming along to the tune of an age-old mystery. When an old student calls upon the professor for help, his investigation leads him to a night at the opera! But what starts off as a riveting night of song is quickly transposed into a game of eternal life or death! Can Layton and Luke solve this deadly puzzle in time? Or is a devious dissonance lying in wait?

Inspired by Level-5’s beloved series of brain-teasing video games, Professor Layton takes his sleuthing to the next level in this charming big-screen caper! Stepping onto the Blu-ray stage for the first time in North America, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva features the return of the games’ voice cast - including Christopher Robin Miller as Layton himself!

(added on 2025-03-04, modified on 2025-03-04)

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