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Angel Heart (Sub.Blu-ray)

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Title: Angel Heart
Volume: Sub.Blu-ray
Running time: 1150
Distributor: Discotek Media

Release date: 2025-05-27
Suggested retail price: $69.95
Age rating: 13+

SKU: ES-652
UPC: 875707007597 875707007597

The last time she closed her eyes, Glass Heart prayed that she’d be set free from the torment she’d wrought as an assassin. A year later, she awakes from a coma to discover a deep scar on her chest and memories that aren’t hers. These vivid flash-backs lead the young assassin to Shinjuku and the doorstep of Ryo Saeba, the legendary City Hunter. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Ryo isn’t the sweeper he once was.

TMS Entertainment (LUPIN THE 3rd, Case Closed) and Director Toshiki Hirano (Magic Knight Rayearth, Dangaioh) return to the streets of Tsukasa Hojo’s (City Hunter, Cat’s Eye) Shinjuku in this heart-pounding tale of second chances. This complete collection includes all 50 episodes of the thrilling action drama - presented in the original Japanese language with English subtitles!

(added on 2025-03-04, modified on 2025-03-04)

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