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Date A Live V - Season Five (Blu-ray)

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Title: Date A Live V - Season Five
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 300
Distributor: Crunchyroll

Release date: 2025-05-20
Suggested retail price: $69.98
Age rating: TV-14

SKU: FG-11110
UPC: 704400111105 704400111105

Now that Shido has sealed 10 Spirits, DEM Industries leader Issac Westcott begins his true plans. On February 20, DEM will kill Shido and plunder the Spirits. Now, Ratatoskr must exhaust all efforts to protect Shido from this fate.

Includes: Episodes 1-12

Special Features: Textless Opening and Ending Songs, Promo Videos, Commercial

(added on 2025-02-18, modified on 2025-02-18)

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