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Chillin' in Another World With Level 2 Super Cheat Powers - The Complete Season (Blu-ray)

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Title: Chillin' in Another World With Level 2 Super Cheat Powers - The Complete Season
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 300
Distributor: Crunchyroll

Release date: 2025-04-08
Suggested retail price: $69.98
Age rating: TV-14

SKU: FG-11261
UPC: 704400112614 704400112614

Summoned as a hero candidate and then cast aside for being too weak, Flio suddenly unlocks incredible power after reaching level 2. While he just wants to enjoy life with his new demon wife, both sides of an ancient war desperately want him on their side.

Includes: Episodes 1-12

Special Features: Promo Videos, Textless Opening and Ending Songs

(added on 2025-01-15, modified on 2025-01-15)

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