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Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie (GN 19)

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Title: Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
Volume: GN 19
Pages: 160
Distributor: Kodansha Comics

Release date: 2025-01-07
Suggested retail price: $12.99

ISBN-13: 9798888770658 9798888770658

Shikimori seems like the perfect girlfriend: cute, fun to be around, sweet when she wants to be... but she has a cool dark side that comes out under the right circumstances. And her boyfriend Izumi loves to be around when that happens! A fun and funny high school romance with a sassy twist perfect for fans of Nagatoro-san and Komi Can't Communicate!

Shikimori and Izumi are high school sweethearts. They hold hands walking home from school, they flirt in the halls, they tease each other. But Shikimori knows what she wants, and how to get it, and she can turn from cutie to cool in an instant.

(added on 2025-01-14, modified on 2025-02-22)

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