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Yakuza Reincarnation (GN 9)

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Title: Yakuza Reincarnation
Volume: GN 9
Pages: 176
Distributor: Seven Seas Entertainment

Release date: 2024-03-12
Suggested retail price: $12.99

ISBN-13: 9798888433317 9798888433317


A mysterious troupe has appeared before Ryu! Three thousand years ago, their ancestors were minions of the Dark Lord. Hated by humans and dark kin alike, they’ve been dubbed the “imp-ure.” How will Ryu react to the plight of a group carrying the sins of their ancestors?! And what machinations does the ruler of Lûndburg have in store for them?

(added on 2024-12-23, modified on 2025-01-20)

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