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At 25:00 in Akasaka (GN 4)

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Title: At 25:00 in Akasaka
Volume: GN 4
Pages: 222
Distributor: Seven Seas Entertainment

Release date: 2025-07-08
Suggested retail price: $14.99

ISBN-13: 9798891607569 9798891607569


Asami Hayama and Yuki Shirasaki decide to visit home for a former classmate’s wedding. But Hayama hasn’t been back in years. His parents’ home just makes him uncomfortable and memories of awkward years at school come back to him. Hayama only briefly interacted with Shirasaki in school, but the young man left an impression on him.

(added on 2024-12-15, modified on 2024-12-15)

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