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Psycho-Pass - Seasons 1+2 [Walmart Exclusive] (Blu-ray)

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Title: Psycho-Pass - Seasons 1+2 [Walmart Exclusive]
Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 825
Distributor: Crunchyroll

Release date: 2025-02-04
Suggested retail price: $39.96
Age rating: TV-MA

SKU: FG-11040
UPC: 704400110405 704400110405

In the future, thinking about a crime makes you guilty, and justice is dispensed from the barrel of a gun. Detectives work in teams made up of Enforcers and Inspectors. Enforcers take out the bad guys, and Inspectors make sure their partners don’t cross the line. The equalizer in the war on thugs is the Dominator, a weapon that can tell when citizens are about to turn criminal.

Special Features: Trailers, Season 1 Episode Commentaries: 05, 11, 13, 18, Season 2 Episode Commentaries: 04, 08, 10, Sakura-Con Parts 1 & 2, Textless Opening & Ending Songs

(added on 2024-11-15, modified on 2024-12-11)
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  • Psycho-Pass (TV)
  • Psycho-Pass 2 (TV)
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