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Like a Butterfly (GN 8)

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Title: Like a Butterfly
Volume: GN 8
Pages: 200
Distributor: Viz Media

Release date: 2024-09-03
Suggested retail price: $11.99

ISBN-10: 1974748820 1974748820
ISBN-13: 9781974748822 9781974748822

Would you rather wait for love like a flower, or fly toward love like a butterfly?

Suiren Shibazeki is often compared to a beautiful flower—but one that grows on the tallest peak of a mountain, forever out of reach. When Suiren develops feelings for the quiet Taichi Kawasumi, however, she doesn’t want to be a distant flower. She’d rather leave her lofty perch and fly toward him like a butterfly.

Suiren and Kawasumi are now second-years, and they’re fortunate enough to be in the same class! Seeing each other this way is nice, but Suiren starts to feel lonely as Kawasumi immerses himself in karate. Can Suiren work up the courage to tell Kawasumi that she wants more?

(added on 2024-11-11, modified on 2024-11-21)

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