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Ajin: Demi-Human (GN 12)

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Title: Ajin: Demi-Human
Volume: GN 12
Pages: 194
Distributor: Vertical

Release date: 2018-10-09
Suggested retail price: $12.95

ISBN-10: 1947194208 1947194208
ISBN-13: 9781947194205 9781947194205

One of the top-selling manga in Japan today, with the first four volumes having sold more than 2,300,000 units since March 2013, now hits North American shores. AJIN combines super-natural themes with sci-fi action for a very modern high-paced yarn that should compete with most popular current manga and comic titles.

For his ultimate "wave" Sato has taken on Iruma Base, the hardest of hard targets, while the Prime Minister is onsite. The unexpected grit of Japan's Self-Defense Forces delights him to no end. Having fallen out with his right-hand man Tanaka, however, may come back to bite the jolly ex-marine.

(added on 2024-10-31, modified on 2024-11-01)

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