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Spider-Man: Octo-Girl (GN 1)

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Title: Spider-Man: Octo-Girl
Volume: GN 1
Pages: 200
Distributor: Viz Media

Release date: 2024-10-08
Suggested retail price: $11.99
Age rating: Teen Plus

ISBN-10: 1974749916 1974749916
ISBN-13: 9781974749911 9781974749911

A new Spider-Man manga from the creators of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes!

Spider-Man rogue Doctor Octopus faces his biggest challenge yet—living life as a middle school girl in Japan!

After a battle with Spider-Man, the evil genius scientist Doctor Octopus falls into a coma. When he wakes up, his consciousness is in the body of Otoha Okutamiya, a regular kid in Tokyo! Thus begins the strange new life of Spider-Man’s biggest rival...as a schoolgirl!

(added on 2024-10-23, modified on 2024-10-23)

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