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Wind Breaker (GN 2)

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Title: Wind Breaker
Volume: GN 2
Distributor: Kodansha Comics

Release date: 2023-10-03

ISBN-10: 1646518365 1646518365
ISBN-13: 9781646518364 9781646518364

An adrenaline-filled manga set in a high school for delinquents who are now heroes protecting their town. A fierce, new student arrives at the school determined to fight his way to the top and become the strongest of them all. This edgy, action-packed manga is guaranteed to excite fans of Tokyo Revengers and other stories about high school delinquents

Shishitoren are devotees of power, and the gang is ready to rumble.

Sakura gradually accepts the comradery of his fellow Bofurin delinquents. A routine street patrol leads to a confrontation with rival gang Shishitoren who operate on brute strength. Bofurin wins the smackdown, and Sakura catches everyone’s eyes. However, Shishitoren won’t back down, and they challenge Bofurin to one-on-one fights between their members. In a showdown where fists do the talking, Sakura’s voice will surely be heard!

(added on 2024-09-19, modified on 2024-09-19)

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