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Survival in Another World with My Mistress! (GN 2)

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Title: Survival in Another World with My Mistress!
Volume: GN 2
Distributor: Seven Seas Entertainment

Release date: 2022-08-09

ISBN-10: 1638586284 1638586284
ISBN-13: 9781638586289 9781638586289


Kousuke is adjusting well to his new life as a slave in a world where his video game expertise operates as actual Crafting abilities. But it’s not the magic that makes a life of servitude so cozy, it’s his sexy dark elf Mistress, who puts him to work in and out of the bedroom! But it’ll be more out than in-and-out as Kousuke must develop his power and grow strong enough to build a giant bulwark around the elven lands, or everyone may die at the hands of an overwhelming invasion force!

(added on 2024-08-26, modified on 2024-08-26)

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