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The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms (GN)

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Title: The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms
Volume: GN
Distributor: Seven Seas Entertainment

Release date: 2019-10-01

ISBN-10: 1642757098 1642757098
ISBN-13: 9781642757095 9781642757095

Whimsical tales of anthropomorphic beasts in love from Nagabe, the bestselling creator of The Girl from the Other Side: Siuil A Run! Hidden away deep within the woods, far from the prying eyes of the world, lies the Wizdom’s School of Wizarding. There beasts of all kinds gather to live, to learn, and to love. From everyday animals to fantastical creatures, these BL stories are told with a realistic and light-hearted touch.

(added on 2024-08-25, modified on 2024-08-25)

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